I am indebted to the courtesy of
for the following selection of - highly relevant - quotes
- Here’s what I know: when I fell I broke my ankle in three places – two fractures at the base of my tibia and a higher fracture on my fibula.
- I wasn't strong enough to use crutches. I simply didn't have the arm and shoulder strength.
- The hardest part of this injury so far has been in accepting the limits of my own body. I'm a very independent person
- On a scale of bodily harm, I'd say a broken ankle rates somewhere around a 6. If it's a multiple break that requires surgery (as mine did) then it's maybe a 6.5. It's serious, sure, painful, yes and requires a lot of time to heal and regain strength
- I have more than 50 pairs of shoes. In this collection, I’d say about 10 of them are flat (or reasonably close to being flat)
- I’ve never been in a position where I can’t prepare my own food before.
- Almost every poster talks about experiencing some form of post-accident depression. Some are serious and require medication, and other people talk about just needing someone to talk to who understands how hard it is to lose your mobility and freedom and what a difficult time it can be. I completely agree.
- Being tired all the time, being less active, being disappointed in my body for not being strong enough and not breaking, it’s all common with this kind of injury.
- For the love of mike, will someone please tell me how you’re supposed to carry a cup and use crutches at the same time?
- Crutches are not meant for speed.
- Everything will take twice as long as it used to. Be prepared for this. Schedule your time appropriately.
- Put on a brave face, but give yourself time to cry.
- Plus, I’ve realized that I don’t have feeling in the tips of two of my toes anymore.
- I was starting to get in shape before my accident, but six weeks of limited activity has left me in a slightly less svelte state than before.
- Elevation (above the heart) and ice packs are the best remedy to reduce swelling, but even they don’t really seem to do much for the first while. Now that it’s been two months since my accident, I’m very aware of the triggers that cause swelling and how to manage it.
- It has become evident we can break our bones in unexpected ways and there’s really no way to prevent an accident.
- It doesn’t really take much to crack those bones, so don’t feel bad if it happened to you.
- It’s evident that having a broken ankle and being unable to do your usual activities can be depressing.
- Crutch use is definitely a skill that needs to be learned.
- I did a lot of sitting because I was somewhat shaky when moving around.
- The simple answer is you cannot do everything you normally do in the way you normally do it, and in some instances, you can’t do things you normally do at all. To be honest, this constraint – where your body is not able to do what your mind and spirit want – can be somewhat depressive.
- Sit down while you shower
- You have to find something to keep your mind engaged since your body will not be able to do what it is used to. I’m typically active – hiking, running, walking, helping outside the house, taking the dog for walks, etc. I went from active to being a slug.
- Having a broken bone truly brings home the adage of, “if you don’t use it, you lose it.” Muscles and tendons that worked just fine for the last 51 years all of a sudden are totally useless after just two months of being immobile.
- I can’t do anything spontaneously; everything will involve forethought and a loss of independence...
- Elbow crutches that you grip with your hands mean you can’t carry a thing
- Even the smallest tasks defeat me.
- When I move around with my foot dangling, it quickly goes blue.
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