vrijdag 10 februari 2006

Why does everybody in this house think I'm still in love with Spike?

Lessons :: Beneath You :: Same Time , Same Place :: Help :: Selfless :: Him :: Conversations With Dead People :: Sleeper :: Never Leave Me :: Bring On The Night :: Show Time :: Potential :: The Killer In Me :: First Date :: Get It Done :: Storyteller :: Lies My Parents Told Me :: Dirty Girls :: Empty Places :: Touched :: End Of Days :: Chosen

Nog 4 episodes te bekijken en season 7 zit erop. Als ik de lijst zo voor me zie dan springen er twee uit. De rest - al het voorbereidende werk met de potentials en het oprakelen van oude plot lines - maken een vermoeide indruk. Xander en Spike zijn zichtbaar ouder (en dikker) geworden en Giles is gekreukter dan voorheen. In Manchild is hij een een sexy vijftigplusser. Hier is hij toch een beetje een ouwe zaag.

(walks up to Buffy) Buffy, I want more for you. Your feelings for him are coloring your judgement. I can hear it in your voice. (Buffy sighs) And that way lies a future filled with pain. I don't want that for you.
We haven't— (looks uncomfortable) Things have been different since he came back.
It doesn't matter if you're not physical with each other anymore. There's a connection. You rely on him, he relies on you. That's what's affecting your judgment.
You think I'm losing sight of the big picture, but I'm not. When Spike had that chip, it was like having him in a muzzle. It was wrong. You can't beat evil by doing evil. I know that. (walks out of the room)

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